September 5, 2009

A procrastinated project FINISHED!

Hello, my name is Angela.

Welcome Angela!

I am here tonight because...

[crickets chirping]

...I am a home-project procrastinator.

If you've known me for any length of time, or visited my humble abod, you know without any confession from these lips that I am a home-project procrastinator. I can place blame but I am fully to blame. It isn't the fault of my packrat father who piles all of his work tools, materials, projects on top of an antique pool table in the entry room of my parents' house. I also can't blame my paper-archiving mother who doesn't think you should ever throw out a bill or invoice; she apparently doesn't think you need to open them either. (Plus side: if I ever need to find a bank statement from my teenage days, my mother's gift will come in quite handy.) I also can't point the finger at my six years spent as a North Texas nomad. Between three dorm rooms, two apartments and a few trips back to my parents' house for summers, my life stayed in a mix-match of hastily collected cardboard boxes for a long time.

Nope. I have to take this burden. It is mine. (Did I mention I'm feeling melodramatic today?)

To get to the point of why I'm posting at all on a Saturday, my sabbath, I'll just say this: a bookcase in my sweet little bay window/dining room/office/sun room/storage area has been a long time coming.

I found a simple, inexpensive bookcase at Target in a color called espresso. I've fought tooth and nail in every store I've scoured to find a bookcase that is oak colored, not too cheap and flimsy, and a reasonable price. I don't know what came over me last Saturday but I up and bought this one for $25. It was priced $32 (in-store and online) but it magically rang up for $25 at the register (thanks Lord!). I spent about two hours putting it together Monday night and finally got around to pulling out all of my boxes of books Thursday night.

I set out to finish my project when I failed to roll over and go back to sleep at 10am this morning (Hey! Don't judge me! I haven't slept in for ages. Or maybe just two weeks. Who are you? The sleep police?!)

Here are some pictures of my achievement. Before and after books. And because I'm trying to recover from being a home-project procrastinator, I think confession and transparency are crucial. I included a picture of the bookcase's cardboard box, still sitting in my living room floor. From Monday. Don't judge me. ;-)

Before: (sorry for the blurriness)


So sad....

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